I was driving home recently. I noticed the pasture on the way was filled, with horses! Everyone should pause right there. Now, take a deep breath. Obviously, I frantically yelled, STOP! In my opinion, every farmer should warn us with a sign, horses are coming up, slow down. I will help them out here: https://amzn.to/4e73TNj Never, I say never, drive past a field of horses without stopping. Our car slowed down and the windows came down. I began calling them. Then begging them to lift their beautiful noses and look our way. Just once, please! They were so utterly magnificent. Their numerous colors! Their little curious muzzles that were stuffed with grass. They gazed our way. They seemed a bit taken aback by our curiosity, from a vehicle. I wondered if others had ever stopped their cars to admire the horses undeniable beauty. Horses are such a glorious sight. Peaceful and charming. They grace any field they land themselves inside or even outside. I love them. The roans in this particular group were so prominent. They really stuck out, so much more than the chestnuts or sorrels. I won't say any horse is prettier than another horse. They are all so lovely. I love how they move and boss one another around. With their ears flat and tails flapping angrily, they dominate their positions. They do have attitudes. Established pecking orders from the top mare to the bottom mare. It was easy to pick out the ones with the power in this group.
I did not stay long as it was getting dark outside. I did not want us to get rear-ended. Try explaining that. "Yea, there were these horses in the field... and uh, yea, the car is smashed. Duh." Whatever. Anyway, we drove home and I could somehow smell horses all the way home. Some kind of mental thing that happens whenever I see a horse. It happens a lot. Once a horse is wired in your brain it never comes out. I have a lot of years of horses wired in my brain. I could smell hay and horse everywhere. It was not actually from touching the horse, because I didn't. It was just a memory. There was a time when I always smelled like a horse, and I wasn't afraid to advertise it. https://amzn.to/4euPVow I would not approach a horse that I do not own. I know better. I have almost had my face taken off by a lovely mare, not so long ago. At the time she was the most beautiful mare on the planet. Only she was a total psycopath.
These horses were also lovely. When I came home I put my muck boots on. Not to clean stalls but to water plants. I have purchased them however, for when I do get another horse. If that day comes. Now, instead of mucking a stall I go to the garden. I have mentioned these boots before, they are excellent. Check them out! https://amzn.to/4e5cQXN They work great for gardening. But they will be perfect for cleaning stalls too. Not that I will every actually clean a stall. "Yea, no." I prefer just riding horses. If your interested in horses. I have challenge before the purchase. Buy one of these first. https://amzn.to/4dexuDg Just get it! Go outside and pick up anything that is wet and large. Then toss it around. Smell it! If that is fun times, then a horse is definitely what is needed in your life! I mean seriously. It's part of the horse get-up! One thing I don't recommend is this: https://amzn.to/3BkTpLN I don't feel like that is a necessary part of any tack room. Maybe cover the horses eyes with a net, but the entire face? Why not just wrap your horse's body up entirely? I am off track here. Just know... It was a pleasant night seeing all those beautiful horses and their curious little faces. And remember. One should never pass by a field of horses without stopping to enjoy the view!
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