I have been busy at Coteau Valley Farm all Summer. It’s been a lot of fun and work with the plants and the landscaping of the area around the house. I have been mindful of all the tall grass on the property and always feel a little nervous walking into the deep grass with all the little creepy crawlers lurking from the top of each blade of grass to hiding in holes in the ground. All Summer I have been afraid of those creatures grabbing onto my legs or a snake biting me. I do have muck boots but they only reached my calves and the soles were growing thin with use and with comfort. I decided to go ahead and purchase another pair of muck boots and make sure they were extra tall. After having the unusual experience of having a garter snake with a huge toad in his mouth come at me two or three times, I wanted tall boots. Having experienced that snake I wondered what would happen if I did not know he was there and had decided to come at me. The snake I imagined may get a bite or two in and I would be unaware until it happened. At least with tall boots, the chance of getting any creepy crawlers on you is less and you can wear leggings with them to make sure there is not bunching of the pants where they could hide and bite you. I chose Dri Shod Haymaker Gusset boots they are a bit on the pricey side but they are very comfortable and have an amazing sole and grip. The material at the top of the boot is what smells like dive suit material. I am a certified scuba diver so I know that smell right away, you cannot miss it. The box says densoprene. I am not sure how that is different that neoprene. I am sure it has to do with water resistance or chemical resistance. Either way, they are 100% waterproof and feel like the densoprene is super insulating. They are breathable air mesh and okay to take on and off. One thing about removing them is once one boot is off it hurts your toes to try and take the second off since the soles are so treaded, they feel like a tractor! They have a roll-down calf pipe which is nice if you get hot. It says natural rubber overlays with no PVC, PU, or too. Water resistant to keep your feet dry and they also claim to be puncture resistant which sounds nice, who wants a puncture in their feet? The fit claims it fits like a running shoe but I am a seasoned runner and know that since there are no ½ sizes that is quite impossible. That is one downsize. I believe I need a ½ size up so they feel like they fit right on with very little extra room and the next whole size up felt like a loose glove, too loose. You can wear them from -20 to 75 degrees but I bet they will get hot in the Summer time. We will see. I am pretty happy with them. I hope they do not end up being too hot or uncomfortable. Time to get out there again and brave the prairie menagerie. If you are shopping for a boot go ahead and try them out let me know what you think!
Coteau des Prairies
South Dakota Hobby Farm