This week at Coteau Valley Farm I decided I needed a new bench! There were not many in the stores and the ones that were there did not really have the "field appeal" I was looking for in a bench. I looked around to see if there were any for sale but most of the ones I found were too pricey for my taste. I started looking at different ideas, like what sort of bench to use in your "whatever" space. I began to realize that perhaps I could make myself a bench and save tons of money. I also thought I could get more of what I was looking for in a bench which was basically a cheap place to sit. One thing I found out right away was that benches are grossly overpriced. I bought some wood and screws and wood putty and paint. The bench basically jumped together and was a real piece of cake from start to finish. Oh, I did have to put some work into the assembly, like drilling with a drill. I had to first drill the screw holes because the first few screws did add a crack to the wood. The drill work was hard and I had to hold the drill steady and wear safety goggles. I imagine without safety goggles you could get small shavings or splinters of wood in your eye which could hurt or worse. Another hard thing was painting the bench with the lovely yellow color I chose. It seems really easy to paint but your arms start getting tired, and the paint splatters all over, and your hands become the color of the paint. I worked really hard doing this project and I am pleased with the outcome. I have already used the bench to look at the view a few times. It is so nice to walk to the bench and plunk down and just feel the wind and look at the beautiful fields in the distance or admire the birds. I think I learned that I can pretty much save money doing all my projects myself. It takes longer but more often than not you do a much finer job, and you have fun in the process. I like the final color too because it blends with the prairie that seems to be heading for Fall colors. I will be in the future adding some rocks to the ground below the bench. I have to or the grass will grow around it and the ticks will crawl up my leg. No way! I think this project is complete and not much else to accomplish with the job. I bet Norm Abrams would be so proud of me and would definitely want to sit down and discuss my skills. Maybe he will ask if I wanted a job on his show, New Yankee Workshop. (Hahaha I had to look up a famous woodworker). I would have to pass of course because I have other projects planned and could not possibly do the show but I would be charmed with the job offer. I think you understand what I am saying that I am very proud of this bench. What are you going to build?
Coteau des Prairies
South Dakota Hobby Farm