Here at Coteau Valley Farm, I receive an awful lot of verification prompts on my computer. It seems someone in the tech world does not believe that I am actually, human. Big box companies, banks, stores and the like. They love to send the verification, notifications. I continually receive prompts to verify and reverify. Are you human? Please prove it by telling us the code we just sent to you on your smart phone. Please tell us, is this your computer? Also, do you plan to use this computer again? Where are you? Are you aware that someone just logged into your account, from Random City, USA? They love me. Someone really loves me and perpetually protects me, while I am online. They send loving texts filled with questions like, is this your computer, can it be trusted? What code did we just send? The computer tech police, are not inquisitive, no they demand. Guess what? The questions the computer send via another device that we own, they have to be answered before continuing, forward. How do I know this? Better question is, does anyone use their computer without being verified? Why do they provide all this OPSEC? The endless list of questions and the way they ask the questions almost seems like they are intentional and scripted. Some folks are pleased that our computer tech buddies, whom we have never met, are always watching our backs. I am not so sure if they have our backs or their own. It seems like a way to methodically identify everything about every user on the internet, in the world. All the computer tech friends want, is your privacy. Anytime you go anywhere and use a foreign computer, they will quickly ask, is this you? See, they care! Are you really at this laptop or did you get a new phone? Is this a computer that you plan to use in the future or just this once? Users need to tell who, what, when, why and for how long. It is a huge breach of privacy, unless they say it isn't, then it's not. But, is it? These messages are sent and worded in such a way that we smile with relief. We think, I am safe and nobody will know anything about my online usage, except when they do. I guess its true, as long as folks have their latte and internet, things are good. What is my point? The point is, it is not good. It is annoying and burdensome to be verified at all times of the day. It is also, intrusive. Little by little they chip away at our privacy, until we are constantly under their surveillance. Like in China. Perhaps we are next to be socially credited in the future. What is social credit, you ask? Citizens of China get social credit points for their behavior. It is like Kindergarten 101. If they act badly they lose credit points. Then in turn for losing the points, they lose opportunities that they would have enjoyed, had they acted better. For example, if Chinese citizens are rude in public they get a strike against them and oops, they lose. In the future their refrigerators may automatically lock shut when they are hungry, because their calorie quota has been spent. Its scary, but not such a stretch of the imagination. Oh, sorry. You were driving rudely the other day. No driving today or for a month. Your car is shut down by the big company that built it. Am I reaching? Lets not mention the lack of privacy we all already enjoy inside our own homes. Everything is AI now. Verification galore! We proudly flaunt our technology while we turn off the oven or lower the heat from our smart phones. The funny side of that story is the company that made it can also shut it down on you. Electric companies can turn off your power once you have reached your energy limit. As we grin at our technology, someone else grins too, at their control. Thanks for the info, sucker! Should we all begin to consider how much information we are willingly providing and to whom we provide it too? I once was taught that big companies collecting and using information to control the masses had a cringe worthy name, fascism. Think about all the information we are sharing with big companies. Also ask, do I have a choice to give the answers they want? If I want to use my computer, I have to send the code, and verify. If no, I will not be using any of my online accounts. Sounds strangely like control, to me. Let me know how you feel... Joe, or is it Joseph? And are you gonna use this computer again? Just tell me the information. It's for your safety, until it's not. Please share the blog and let me know in the comments!
Louise's Utopia: Verify, Please
Updated: Nov 17
My point exactly! I will need to verify in order to comment too! ;)
The world has gone cold.
Also were you aware that I need to prove I'm not a robot to comment??? LOL.