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Louise's Utopia: The Freedom of Cows

Writer's picture: Coteau Valley FarmCoteau Valley Farm

Updated: Nov 17, 2024

I've been seeing a lot of cows lately. I think I have come to better understand who cattle really are, deep down. For example, cows stand in the field and stare at you for long periods of time. They seem to be in awe of the spectacle they see in a human. Often while these cows stare intently, other cows come and ram their heads into the sitting down side of the staring cows. Those cows fly forward and the butting cows continue butting. It would seem the cows who were doing the head butting had plans for their victim cows, but that is not the case. They just kind of stumble off and keep grazing, further. I've found that cows are survivors, they can find water quickly if it is available to them. They just seem to have some keen sense of where the water is at and they go for it! I also have come to believe that they do not like fields of recently harvested corn. I can tell they do not like the old corn fields because they get this look on their faces of disgust. Cows have looks, curiosity, kindness, and thoughtfulness, etc. What it is about the fields is that I think they mostly dislike walking in the trenched lines made by tractors. Cows legs seem to be to short or too weak to hold their fat bodies up. They do on the other hand seem to like hay that grows in the fields. I think deep down inside their hearts they prefer range grass. Grass that they can pull with their own teeth. Maybe there is a certain satisfaction for cows to know they worked hard for their meal by pulling it out of the ground with their own teeth. Perhaps too, maybe they just stay warmer by the act of grazing. I do not know. I do see that they flock toward the grass on the ground, the stuff they have to pull themselves with their teeth. I would imagine the chewing gets the intestines working. This in turn helps chewed grass go through their stomachs, as they digest it. This is why I bet they tend toward grazing versus a big bale of hay. I also have noticed they like to look at fences with a curious look on their faces. Some cows will stand and size up the fence. They seem to actually ask themselves if they could get through to the other side. I respect that about cows. They are not as stupid and menial as some folks claim. Cows low a lot when theyA are upset. It sounds just plain sad. Their lowing makes me feel really sorry for them. I think they get cold in the night temperatures. I don't think they enjoy it when it is too cold. They do seem to huddle together in groups in the cold, they really use their brains. They resemble to me a flock of Emperor Penguins. I've heard a lot of people saying they love cows and prefer "breathing cows," instead of the opposite..."eye roll." These cow lovers do not want to see one single cow go off to the hamburger isle in the local grocery store. Looking at cows in the field I tend to agree with them, but strangely I still eat burgers. I feel bad for cows. They are tricked into this life of eating hay and being treated well by humans. They are taken to the veterinarian and provided for. Some are even patted and talked to by their masters. Most cows seem to have good food and shelter and seem well taken care of. I believe cow owners love their cows. Sadly for the cow though and happily for the hungry man, it always ends the same for the cow. They end up between a hamburger bun, smashed with ketchup. I do not know if I could love cows so much. Feeding them and taking such care of them routinely. Only one day to pull up in a stock trailer with one thing on my mind and its called ground round. Its sad that so many cows are betrayed by their masters and sent to the meat mill. Most of us also tromp off and further betray them by purchasing them in the grocery store. I buy hamburger meat or steak or all kinds of red meat. I wonder if people ever see a sweet cow face staring back at them as they push the cow bones around the grocery store in their shopping carts. I hope that I do not cry the next time I pass by the meat section of the grocery store. I fear I may remember the inquisitive cow from the field that stares sweetly at me. Why do we all pay hard earned cash for a cows pricey meat only to devour them soon afterwards. Cows deserve freedom, or so some say. I am unsure of what that means. I guess you would have to start from the premise that a cow is entitled to freedom. It is just a cow and not a human being. Still a lot of people in the world feel pretty strongly about cows. These folks would love to close down the burger joints of the world. I wonder how genuine these people are deep down inside. For example, I know people who love cows so much, so they betray chickens and eat them. Seems kind of insane. Why don't chickens deserve freedom? I suppose they decide who deserves the freedom and not really base their opinion on any rational thought. Cows are cute and curious but I hardly expect them to be running for a political office. Well wait, perhaps that is not the case. Perhaps we have already elected a lot of cattle into the political offices of the world. That is why people so many people now believe that a cow is entitled to freedom and the such. I don't know. I am just musing about some cattle I saw in the field. I am still trying to find out if I am really going to eat steak for dinner or wait a few days. Lets conclude and let me know if you are on the fence when it comes to dinner ideas, cow or chicken. Please leave a comment below. Also, please take a moment and help me out, share with the social links below!

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Obtuvo 0 de 5 estrellas.
Aún no hay calificaciones

Agrega una calificación

Good job! Sadly, I turned to beef again for dinner.

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30 ene 2024
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.

Proud to call myself a first class vegan! I don’t even eat plants. Love the post, keep it up. Everyone remember, cows are little joys.

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